Dear activists, critical artists and researchers!
Open contest: The Coalition for the Immediate End to the 129a
Proceedings is *searching for definitions of terrorism* - legal,
humorous or political.
*International Competition: What Exactly is Terrorism?*
The Federal Prosecution is after it. The Red-Green Coalition is trying
to redefine it. The Federal Court has to evaluate it and our friends are
to be charged because of it.
The Phantom Called "Terrorism"
The German criminal legislation paragraph 129a enables the prosecution
of terrorist activity or membership in a terrorist organisation, but
even the highest judges of Germany are not quite sure what terrorism
actually is. The Federal Minister for Justice doesn't think that 9/11
was terrorism, but everyone's scared of it. German criminal legislation,
the UN and also the EU have no clear definition of the term "terrorism".
We're now asking: What exactly is terrorism? Who is a terrorist? And
what's a terrorist act?
The Coalition for the Immediate End to the 129a Proceedings is searching
for *definitions of terrorism*: legal, humorous or political. Entries to
the competition can be in the form of texts, photos, videos, podcasts,
postcards, posters; they can be artistic, intellectual or journalistic.
They can be submitted by individuals, collectives or by anonymous
contributors. The deadline is November 30th 2007.
Submission can be sent by email to einstellung[at]so36.net, uploaded to
the website directly or sent by regular mail (address below).
An international panel will consider the entries and select the best
ones for awards. At the end of 2007 the best contributions will be
publicly exhibited and celebrated with an award ceremony.
Coalition for the Immediate End to the § 129a Proceedings
c/o Haus der Demokratie und Menschenrechte e.V.
Greifswalder Straße 4
D-10405 Berlin
Telephone: +49 30/20165521
einstellung [at] so36.net
Office hours:
Tuesday from 12:00 to 15:00 hours
Friday from 17:30 to 19:30 hours
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